Augsburg Fortress

Abundance: Creating a Culture of Generosity

Abundance: Creating a Culture of Generosity

This book by pastor and certified fund raising executive (CFRE) Michael R. Ward provides church leaders a resource to lead their congregations to a new culture of generosity and abundance that raises more money as well as more disciples. Written specifically with pastors, congregation councils, finance committees, and stewardship teams in mind, this book encourages and guides a process of study, reflection, and action that is clear and practical. Ward taps into years of experience fundraising in the nonprofit sector to address the ongoing challenges of financing ministry. His goal is to empower congregations and other nonprofit organizations to expect and plan for generosity.

The book moves from grounding stewardship ministry biblically and theologically to setting up the basic building blocks for strong stewardship, including board development, stewardship planning, and strategic planning. From there, it addresses practical tactics, such as case development, communication, donor mentality, roadblocks, volunteers, and steps to a gift.

Real-life stories and examples of growing stewardship programs and capital campaigns are provided along with practical hands-on tools to help groups plan, develop, and implement stewardship plans.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506461403
  • eBook ISBN 9781506461427
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 188
  • Publication Date January 7, 2020


"Filled with practical ideas, Abundance will inspire and provoke you. Discover new ways of leading others in the stewardship of their lives and in your focused work together as church."

Phil Hirsch, executive director, ELCA Domestic Mission

"Who knew that bees can teach us so much? Generosity is a gift from God, and this book is theologically and biblically grounded in the gospel. Ward clearly articulates his vision with down-to-earth examples and stories. We are sent on a journey of understanding leadership, stewardship, and giving in new ways. Generosity is a way of life for us in the church as we invite others into finding their heart treasure."

Bishop Suzanne Darcy Dillahunt, Southern Ohio Synod, ELCA